Cadiz now ranks alongside Porto as my favourite cities visited on this trip. It is also the place that I overtook Western Star for the first time! They had diverted into two other places, and arrived a few hours after me. After a good afternoon sleep I was ready for tapas and wine sitting outside a city bar well into the evening.
Although it is warm and sunny here, there are gales in the Straits of Gibraltar which are causing strong SE winds in Cadiz. So I will stay in Cadiz a few more days…..I am going to a Vivaldi concert on Friday night anyway. I eventually left Cadiz on 1st November and had a great sail down to Cabo de Trafalgar. Getting around Trafalgar and into Barbate was tough going tacking into a strong SE wind, so I arrived after dusk. Barbate is a typical old seaside town that tries to make a living out of the tuna fishing industry. But it is a good stopover port for sailing in and out of the Straits of Gibraltar.
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